Episode 124: "Babylon" and "Singin' in the Rain"
Babylon in the Rain! He'll do anything for money! How far will you go for what you love? This is the question that Damien Chazelle asks in his epic - and epic bomb - Babylon , inspired by the song and dance classic Singin in the Rain .. - So tonight we check out both films! Barbie's Margot Robbie leads Damien Chazelle's three-hour epic Babylon, with a screenplay inspired by Gene Kelly's bona fide masterpiece Singin' in the Rain
And before its release, the studio thought they had the Oscars all locked up!
But theatergoers felt very differently - alternately offended and bored by the endless over-the-top antics of the drug-dizzy plot, audiences stayed away in droves, making It the one of the biggest bombs of the past few years!
Were they right? MG compares it and its source material in a double-feature bonanza! How far will you go for what you love? Drink. Talk. Drink