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Episode 094: "Fargo" & "No Country for Old Men"
Coen Classics! The sheer number of classics in the The Coen Brothers' filmography is nearly unprecedented, with barely a single miss in a run of eighteen films - but tonight we look at two of their finest: crime capers No Country for Old Men and Fargo! From infinitely quote-able comedies like The Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona to deep character pieces like Inside Llewyn Davis and A Serious Man, The Coen Brothers' filmography is almost unmatched in American cinema But even among that incredible list, tonight's films stand out! First up, a page-boy-haircut-madman hunts Josh Brolin in No Country for Old Men, Then the unflappable Marge Gunderson solves crimes and eats Arby's in Fargo! No Country? You betcha! #MartiniGiant

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