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Episode 146: "Shane" & "Logan"
Not a/Western? When 3:10 to Yuma director James Mangold decided to take on his standalone superhero movie Logan, he knew exactly what film to use as a guide: George Stevens' foundational western, Shane! James Mangold loves westerns - in fact, His own remake of 3:10 to Yuma is arguably even better than the original. So when decided to take on his first franchise superhero movie, He knew exactly what film to use as a guide! Tonight MG compares his X-men saga "Logan" with the classic that brought him inspiration... George Stevens' western, "Shane!" No More Guns in the Valley Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 145: "Mean Streets" & "The Public Enemy"
Scorsese's influences! With Goodfellas, Casino, Killers of the Flower Moon, and many more, Martin Scorsese has changed the course of the crime genre multiple times - and with each reinvention, has inspired a new generation of filmmakers. But what are the crime movies that inspired him? Tonight we compare his breakout hit - Mean Streets .. To one of his all-time favorites: Jimmy Cagney's gritty melodrama The Public Enemy! Criminal Inspiration! Scorsese's influences! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 144: "Winter Kills" & "Cutters Way"
Strange Bridges! The Big Lebowski and True Grit have cemented Jeff Bridges' position as one of the greatest character actors in the history of film. But early in his career, he took some wild swings as he tried to figure out what kind of roles fit him best! Tonight we look at two of his strangest, most interesting choices - a pair of imperfect but intense thrillers that no ingenue would dare take on today.. Cutter's Way and Winter Kills! Jeff Bridges gets weird! Strange Bridges! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 143: "Civil War"
MG goes to War! Alex Garland has always been on the forefront of sci-fi - exploring the future of technology in Devs, Reinventing the zombie genre with 28 Days Later, Questioning our basic identity Annihilation, and debating the nature of consciousness in the MG favorite Ex Machina. But his latest might be his most relevant and upsetting work yet... - and certainly his biggest. Join us for his unnerving vision of Civil War! Too soon! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 142: "Raging Bull" and "The Iron Claw"
A One-Two Punch! Long Whether it's wrestling or boxing, nothing conveys the brutality of the ring like film does - From Rod Serling's Requiem for a Heavyweight to Darren Aaronofsky's The Wrestler. But few have ever made it more terrifyingly tactile than Scorsese did with Raging Bull -- and even fewer have made it more emotional than Sean Durkin's The Iron Claw! So join MG tonight as we take a look at these knockouts! In the ring with MG! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 141: "Hail, Caesar!" and "The Player"
Traffic was a b*tch! The list of Hollywood movies that roast Hollywood excess is a long one, With bona fide classics like Sunset Boulevard at the top of many critics all-time lists, And scrappy indies like The Big Picture throwing tomatoes from the cheap seats. But for our money, you'd be hard-pressed to find a one-two punch better than tonight's double feature: the Coen Brothers' love letter Hail Caesar! And Robert Altman's poison-penned The Player!
Would it t'were so simple! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 140: "Eureka" and "Going Places"
MG Birthdays! It's Chris' and Daniel's birthdays, So get ready to clutch some pearls! Tonight we have a hand-picked double feature that's both obscure and offensive! First up, if you thought Get Out Your Handkerchiefs was going to get us canceled, wait till you see Gérard Depardieu in Going Places! After that - if you're still watching - get set for the inappropriate, insane mess of Gene Hackman's Eureka! Birthday Shockers!
Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 139: "Poor Things" and "Swiss Army Man"
Corpse Comedies Prior to Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Oscars tended toward stately, serious picks. But now we see stranger and more daring fare creeping in - So tonight MG looks at how the Daniels' started clearing this path with their beautifully low-budget epic Swiss Army Man; And look at where it's led us - Emma Stone's Oscar win for her role as the wild Bella Baxter in Poor Things! MG gets reanimated!
Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 138: "Raising Arizona"
Never leave a man behind! After Blood Simple won Sundance, everyone expected the Coen Brothers to follow up with another noir . But instead they pulled a 180, giving us a slapstick masterpiece and their first bona fide hit! By now, we're used to the Coen Brothers' penchant for goofy comedy, from the musical massacre in Buster Scruggs to the suggestive Navy dance number in Hail Caesar. But Blood Simple, their debut film, had been a grim, Sundance-friendly noir - so in 1987, No one suspected their sophomore effort would turn out to be a slapstick classic! Join MG as we take on Raising Arizona!
Yoders and Sh*t ! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 137: "West World" and "Ex Machina"
Robopocalypse! AI's seemingly exponential growth has many people nervous lately - But Hollywood's been warning us for years! Tonight we take on two cautionary classics: Alex Garland's unnerving Ex Machina, and Michael Crichton's original Westworld! AI's surprising growth has many people feeling nervous about the future - - So tonight MG takes a look at two of the best in a long line of cautionary tales about renegade robots! First up, Alex Garland's Ex Machina, about a very strange and dangerous Turing test -
- Followed by the groundbreaking original version of Westworld from Michael Chricton, the master of theme-parks-gone-wrong!
(Martini) Giant Robots! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 136: "Saltburn"
MG gets Salty! Emerald Fennell has quickly become a divisive figure on the indie film scene, and her blithe-n-nasty brand of storytelling has audiences young and old clutching their pearls! Join us as MG takes on her latest joyous offense, Saltburn! From Pasolini to Mel Brooks, There's little that we at MG love more than films that offend the tender sensibilities of mainstream culture. And rarely has mainstream culture been more in need of offense than today -
So tonight MG takes on a movie that has Twitter clutching its pearls: Emerald Fennell's Saltburn!
Class Dismissed! Drink. Talk. Drink

Episode 135: "Godzilla Minus One"
MG Minus One ! Godzilla is one of the most successful franchises in movie history, spawning Hollywood spinoffs, comic books, Netflix miniseries, and Saturday morning cartoons. Tonight, MG takes on the latest (and maybe greatest?) Godzilla Minus One! Beginning with 1954's Gojira, Toho Studios' Godzilla series went on to become one of the most beloved franchises in movie history - and over the decades, it's been many things: sometimes political, sometimes silly, sometimes scary. But with Godzilla Minus One we can now add...profoundly emotional?
Join us as MG crowns the new King of the King of Monsters!
Kaiju Martini! Drink. Talk. Drink