A Gen-X Flashback!

" A Gen-X double feature!"
Is there any actor that embodies Gen-X's sad-sack charms and misanthropic troubles more than John Cusack?

MG makes an argument for it with a double feature of the shockingly-still-great Say Anything and the brutally honest High Fidelity!

Few actors have captured Gen-X's grungy combo of ironic charm and misanthropic frustration better than John Cusack...or so MG argues with tonight's double feature!

First up, Cameron Crowe's directorial debut Say Anything navigates a surprisingly subtle transition from goofy 80's high school comedy to thoughtful, realistic relationship drama;

Then our second feature, Stephen Frears' High Fidelity, gets even more real, following Cusack as an embittered burnout trying to figure out his trainwreck of a life!
